Juan Ramon Fernandez Subercaseaux
Young universal genius from Chile who arrived in Germany under mysterious
circumstances. He plays the drums, flute, piano is a juggler and magician
and speaks eleven languages fluently. Juan enchants his friends with his
tricks and his gentle nature. His tragic fate: he can do everything but
cannot find a job: he loves everyone but cannot find a friend.

(the following taken from a Curriculum Vitae by Daniel Smith himself)
James Smith + María-Inés Rodriquez Oscar Valenzuela
+ Marta Silva
| |
James Smith + Eliana Valenzuela
James Smith \/
James Smith (Son of William Smith born in Northumberland) ->
Daniel Smith
1.- General: Born in Santiago de Chile on the 23 of July 1996. Son of James
Smith and Eliana Valenzuela. Both artists. Third generation of English emigrants.
(Newcastle). Finished his secondary school in 1970 and studied Architecture
at the University of Chile before starting his studies in music. From 1978
on living and working in Amsterdam. 1989 father of Marcus Reitz.
2. - Music: Studied percussion and recorder at the Conservatory in Santiago
de Chile. At the age of 18 becomes a member of the Symphonic and Philharmonic
orchestra of Santiago. Worked there for 6 years. Played many concerts as
soloist. At the age of 23 travelled to Holland in order to study early music
at the conservatory in De Hague. Worked as a teacher and musician at the
Theater school of Amsterdam.
Composer for films and choreografies.
3.- Martial Arts: Practised Judo for 14 years, reached a black belt 1. Dan
Practised Karate, got de grade of 1. Kiu (Brown belt). Practised Wu-shu
and t'ai chi. At the present time T'ai chi teacher in Amsterdam and Leiden.
4.- Acrobatics: Studied acrobatics with the famous circus teacher The Como
Brothers. After more than ten years of practice is now teaching in Amsterdam
and in Cologne. Gives performances in Circus and international acrobatic
5.- Dancer: Worked more than three years with the "Kinora dance company"
of Amsterdam. Performances around Holland and Germany.
6.- Film Actor: Played a leading role in Edgar Reitz's epos "Die Zweite
Heimat". Played leading roles in others films.
7.- Languages: Spanish, English, French, Dutch, German, Chinese, Creolo
(Guinée- Bissau), Portuguese, Norwegian ..
8.- Hobbies: Juggling, Close-up magic, Japanese carpentry, Origami, Table-tennis,
Darts, Chess, etc...
That is the first time I put all these things on paper in order to demonstrate
that l am a special person, but my personal idea is that everybody is special
and if somebody wants to work with a specific person nobody can replace
PS. Character: (Written by Susanne) Versatile, Adaptable, Explosive, Unpredictable
and Eager to learn.
Cariñosos saludos y esperanda de que todo vaya bien, se despide de
The DZH website is a joint effort by ReindeR Rustema, Alan Andres and many others since 1996. Back to the main page.