Dr. K.

Head medical officer at a country hospital somewhere in Bavaria.

Appreciates art, early supporter and later an admirer of Clarissa.

Reinhold Lampe

Born in Landshut in 1932.

Studied acting with Zerboni and Ginsberg in Munich.

Theater appearences at aht Stadttheater in Ingolstadt, Constance, Gießen, Lübeck, Krefeld and at the Volkstheater in Munich. Numerous television roles, among others in "Geschichten aus der Heimat", "SOKO", "Irgendwie und Sowieso", "Tatort", "Der Unfried", "Fahnder", "Café Meineid", "Hitlerjunge Salomon", "Die Hausmeisterin", "Weißblaue Geschichten'.

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