Konsul Handschuh
A fat friendly businessman of the old-fashioned variety. His motto:
"Smile". He bought his consular title and considers it an investment -
just like his confidence in Hermann's genius. Konsul Handschuh is the
president of "ISARFILM" in Munich.
Born July 8, 1927; comes from a theater family. Schooling in Krefeld,
also worked as an exta and substitute dancer at the Stadttheater.
Drama school: Düsseldorfer Schauspielschule (1946 - 48). Story Editor
for independent television productions (1960-72), directed
documentary films in Poland and Yugoslavia. Manager and Director of
the Staatsschauspiel in Hannover (1978-88).
Plans: Film script about Stanislaw Jerzylec, a writer of Polish
aphorisms. Title: "Zuweilen wedeln Hunde mit den Ketten".
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