- 2143 pages of script
- 372046 metres of exposed 35 mm negative material
- 557 shooting days
- 117 days of editing
- 71 leading roles
- 310 smaller roles
- 2300 extras
- 2870 Nagra tapes with 956 hours of location sound
- 4.2 hectolitres of coffee
- 31097 takes
- Work on the screenplay: 5800 hours, spread over a period of 6 years
- Time required for editing: 67 months
- 8539 cuts
- 84 mixing files
- Final length of film: 48000 metres
- 15690 Italian subtitles
- 15548 English subtitles
- Total length of film time: 25 hours, 32 minutes
The DZH website is a joint effort by ReindeR Rustema, Alan Andres and many others. Back to the main page.