To discuss Edgar Reitz' films, share your experiences with others, or contribute things to the website, you can join the heimat123-list (previously known as the DZH-list).
Once you've joined the list you can also send contributions yourself. Go to the Mailman pages to subscribe or unsubscribe. As a member, you have access to the archives. There are currently discussions in three languages: English, German and Dutch:
When you change your e-mail address and you want to continue receiving the Heimat mailinglist postings, you should unsubscribe from your old address and subscribe with the new address. If you forget to unsubscribe I will one day manually unsubscribe the address that will send back errors, but I really appreciate it if you do it yourself.
Remember that when you have questions about the list itself not to ask that on the list but to the operator at
Is there any archive you might want to ask? No, there is not one that is publicly available. You should make your own archive in your mailreader after you have subscribed. The filter options of your mailreader are really helpful for that purpose, every subject-line contains the word heimat:.
The reason why there is no archive is threefold:
An objection to this approach is that some of you agree with these three considerations entirely but eventually unsubscribe after they found their mailbox flooded with e-mail after a lively discussion emerged. In that case you might want to consider opening a special free mailbox especially for your subscriptions to mailinglists like these. Make sure to also include your normal low-volume, critical private e-mailaddress in the signature of that one so that readers of your postings can reach you directly without waiting days or weeks before you find the time to check the e-mail of that extra mailaddress. For the technically inclined the filter options in a good mailreader as mentioned above should be sufficient while sticking to one single all purpose e-mail address.
Having said all this, you can also download an archive of old postings which you can import as a mailbox in your e-mailreader. It's in a unix-text format so it should work in mailreaders like Eudora.