This website is still being read! Reaction came in the mail today: "I am really enjoying your notes on Heimat 2. Thanks for all your work." Thank you!
Edgar Reitz became 90 year old. For this occassion the Frankfurter Allgemeine published these 1300 words (in German): Edgar Reitz wird neunzig : Schlachtfeld der GefŸhle. Von Sandra Kegel. With interesting new topics like the comparison with the serial storytelling of streaming services (like Netflix) with suspense. Reitz does not want his work to be in the same category. Those stories work towards an end, while his stories are epic, towards infinity.
The mailinglist is not working! I switched internet hosting providers and the solution of the new one for such a feature is inadequate (only 100 subscribers max). I plan to build something myself now (note to self and another), because I currently do not know any free mailman providers. If you know one, let me know. Also if you want to be added to the list (currently 163 subscribers) or want to remind me of this ambition send me an e-mail at
Edgar Reitz' last film in the Heimat-series is received at the filmfestival in Venice with a 20 minute standing ovation.
Thomas Hönemann at has many links to media reports in German and to Hollywood Reporter
A visitor to this website wrote me that Amazon in the UK lists a new DVD-box with Heimat. Scheduled to come on the market on 21 June 2010. Heimat and Die Zweite Heimat
Not Tartan, not Artificial Eye but Second Sight? Apparently they bought the rights. In the US the DVD-release of Facets video which got a bad review is listed, not the UK DVD releases.
This Second Sight release is only subtitled in English. Not in all major languages...
On March 20 Kinowelt-Arthaus released a DVD edition of Edgar Reitz' "early work" (Das Frühwerk). To share her own enjoyment of these fascinating "early" films Angela Skrimshire has contributed to this website (and also to Thomas Hönemann's a paper of brief reflections on each film, in pdf. These are her personal impressions and she does not intend to substitute the informative and perceptive material already available about the films in German, to which she lists references.
The Kinowelt release itself consists of 7 DVDs, containing 6 feature films (Mahlzeiten, Cardillac, Das Goldene Ding, Die Reise nach Wien, Stunde Null, and Der Schneider von Ulm) and 6 short or experimental films (Yucatan, Baumwolle, Kommunikation, Geschwindigkeit, Die Kinder and Susanne Tanzt). No English subtitles, but with German subtitles, available through the regular online retailers.
The UK distributor for Die Heimat closed last Thursday. Variety wrote on Friday 27 June: "Tartan employees found the London office doors shut Thursday." And Screen Daily writes: "Other distributors are already beginning to eye Tartan's famed library" which includes Die Heimat.
The Hollywood Reporter writes: "The move may not affect home entertainment sales house World Cinema Ltd. beyond the loss of the Tartan product slate. World Cinema was long thought to be a joint venture between Tartan and Artificial Eye but sources say that [Tartan owner] McAlpine may hold a 50% share personally. The sales house represents about seven labels including Artificial Eye, Axiom, ICA, Verve, Yume Pictures and Trinity. " Artificial Eye holds the rights for and released Die Zweite Heimat in the UK on DVD.10-11-07
No French subtitles on the Dutch release of Heimat Fragmente by Lumiere.
Lumiere announced the Dutch release of Heimat Fragmente: Die Frauen with Dutch and French subtitles for the end of October. The release will be two DVD disks and a 24 page booklet. The documentary "Schabbach ist Uberall", made for German television, will also be on it.
From now on everyone can contribute to heimat123 with the use of the 'Heimat123 wiki'. On the domain you can find a website with pages which are not only maintained by the webmaster of heimat123, but also by members of the heimat-community. You can also join. The ambition is to migrate the entire content of the 10-year old static website to this new interface and expand it even further.
Your chance to record Heimat 1 in Italian. The Italian national public broadcaster RAI 3 does a rerun of Heimat from Friday January 12 until Sunday." Tell it to everyone you know in Italy.
Also in the news today, the German release of the footnotes to Heimat on DVD is scheduled by Kinowelt on April 27. For details in German, see, to get the information leaflet in PDF about it for example. There is talk about a volunteer project to make English subtitles to download here. To participate or stay up to date, join our international mailinglist by sending an e-mail to heimat123 on this domain and see what happens in your mailbox or use the webinterface.
Heimat Fragmente - Die Frauen, also known as "the Footnotes project", will show at the Biennale in Venice 2 September 2006. In about 40 scenes the protagonist Lulu (from Heimat 3) goes back in time. The footage is taken from cut outs from all three Heimat films by Reitz. It will premiere in October in Germany and will eventually appear on DVD.
Heimat 3 will be showing in Paris from the 29 March.
The German newsagency distributed an article yesterday about a Heimat IV project, which was published in several newspapers. Reitz wrote a correction to this, published on Stefan Gies' German Heimat website. This is immediately translated on the heimat123-mailinglist by Ralph and can be read like this:
The title HEIMAT IV is misleading. I am working on sort of an epilogue for the finished HEIMAT trilogy, a one-part movie, which shows the protagonists and the stories of their lives in the style of a picture book. This means that it incorporates only material that was not used in the trilogy. The film will not be longer than 150 minutes, a title has not been found for it yet. What caused me to start this project was the fact that in re-organizing my archives in 2005 I came across material that had gathered along the way over the 25 years in which we produced HEIMAT. After such a long time there are many things you have forgotten, so that I was astonished at what wonderful scenes and sequences I found. I did not want this material just to be forgotten. I believe that any filmmaker would feel that way. I am happy that the Rheinland-Pfalz-Stiftung für Kultur did not force me to present an official script to them. Therefore, I can try to find a convincing overall shape in which to use all these fragments. I did not fix a deadline for finishing this work. The frame for these sequences has already been filmed with Nicola Schössler, the great actor who played "Lulu" in HEIMAT 3. I will decide later whether further filming will be nececarry. If so, this will have to be done on a very moderate scale due to the mini budget that is available. Up to now there is only a small grant by the Rheinland-Pfalz-Stiftung für Kultur for this project. Everything else will be financed by myself. No TV channels will be involved. Neither have there been any talks about this with the ARD (the main German TV channel) management, so that there are no plans to air this on German TV. At present it is my plan to offer the movie to the friends of HEIMAT as a DVD.
This is perfectly consistent with what Reitz announced at the Q&A sessions in Amsterdam, London and Boston with members of the mailinglist present.10-03-06
Added to the site today is an amateur translation of a Dutch interview with Reitz in 2004, after his Q&A at the Goethe Insitute in Amsterdam, by Maarten van Bracht for VPRO, published in Dutch at
Thomas Hönemann reports today that on his (German) website that the Edgar Reitz' Heimat Footnotes project has found funding. The DVD release of the Heimat Footnotes project is expected for late Spring or Summer 2006. In the Heimat Footnotes you can expect Lulu (Herman's daughter) going back to 'Heimat'. You can see footage shot for, but not used in, the Heimat trilogy.
This is a correction to the news claiming that NO funding was secure. Quite the contrary...
The archives of the Heimat123 are now repaired and available. You need to log in with the password you receive by mail the first of every month as a subscriber to the mailinglist or you can request a reminder. Everyone can subscribe anytime for free. Alternatively, you can also wait for the discussion to be published on this website as PDF-files later this year.
The Tourist-Information office in Simmern (call +49 6761837) announced their 2006 "Heimat-Schabbach-Die Mitte der Welt"Êbus tours. These are normally narrated by "Marie Goot" (Eva-Maria Schneider), and focus on Heimat 1. These are day tours for 35 euro including an evening meal. The tours for 2006 are scheduled for:
22 April
20 May
24 June
16 September
7 October
Bring your own translator.20-01-06
Discussion of Heimat 3 has started! Every other Friday from today until April 28 by e-mail (currently 241 subscribers).
The Finnish public broadcasting company YLE will start showing Heimat 3 on one of its digital channels (YLE Teema) starting December 26. Apparently also available on the Sirius satellite at the vertical frequency 11862 in MPEG-2 on the Viasat channel with Videoguard encoding (not confirmed).
Currently there is a 35mm copy of HEIMAT 3 being shown by the Goethe Institute at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. On December 16 and 17 Edgar Reitz and Salome Kammer will be present at the screenings of parts 5 and 6. This is where Alan Andres first saw Heimat decades ago. Because of a posting on Usenet in 1996 from ReindeR Rustema, looking for a recording of this rare and unknown film, an e-mail discussion started between them which led to the heimat123-mailinglist and this website. They have yet to meet each other off-line.
The Lumière DVD releases of the Reitz Heimat trilogy is available for rent in the public library in Utrecht, the Netherlands. If you can find it in the online catalogue of some library somewhere in the world, please report it. There is a page on this website on how to get to a copy, to be updated with your feedback.
Angela Skrimshire (living in Scotland) took up the challenge to translate the interview from Ingo Fliess with Edgar Reitz from the website. This monumental translation job was afterwards carefully edited, corrected and improved by Wolfgang Floitgraf (in Boston, Masachusetts). The 14205 words (about 20 pages) is on how Heimat 3 came about, the story, art, Heimat, history (and film), technology and the making of Heimat 3, the characters in Heimat 3, the actors, the work of the crew, building a house, casting and Lulu.
You can now listen to a recording (not broadcast quality) from the Q&A moderated by Cristopher Cook, held in the Goethe Institute in London on 17th April this year. It is an MP3 file and 1 hour, 18 minutes and 9 seconds (53,7Mb) long. You can hear Ivan Mansley asking a question at 47'. You are invited to make a transcript to publish in the interviews section.
Heimat 3 will be broadcast in Sweden by public broadcaster Sveriges Television (SVT) around New Year's Eve as mentioned on their website.
Artificial Eye told us today that their DVD with Heimat 3 will definately be released on November 14th 2005. The reason for the ongoing delays has been the packaging. The schedule of the discussion on the mailinglist will depend on the distribution of this DVD. Once this DVD has been distributed, the bi-weekly introduction by Ivan Mansley will be broadcast through the mailinglist and discussion can commence.
Gert Jan Jansen wrote an introduction in Dutch to Heimat 3. It is based on the German discussion on Heimat 3 and other available sources. You can download it as a PDF-file with 49 pages, less than 1Mb. You can also read the introduction to each episode on this website or download it as PDF.
The UK DVD release of Heimat 3 has been postponed. Artificial Eye has run into production difficulties with the box and packaging but they hope to release sometime before Christmas.
DVD from Canada has published an extremely negative review of the Facets DVD release of Heimat. They claim that it looks like a transfer from a (bad) videotape. They have taken screenshots from the Facets DVD release and the Tartan release. The screenshots have an educative value for anyone to see the difference between videotape and DVD.
Gert Jan Jansen has the ambition to translate into Dutch and expand the introductions Ivan Mansley wrote for Heimat and Die Zweite Heimat. As of today part 8 and part 9 of Die Zweite Heimat have a Dutch introduction! Available of part 9 also as PDF download. Who dares can join this translation project anytime (also in other languages).
There are screenings of Heimat 3 at the Irish Film Centre in Temple Bar in Dublin next weekend (June 18th)
These screenings tie in with Thomas Brussig, Christoph Hein and Hugo Hamilton who are appearing in Dublin as part of the writers festival discussing the novels of the Berlin Republic.
Ticket pass for seeing all the films are € 35 euro for members, € 40 otherwise.8-06-05
Old news since late April, but not mentioned here before: The US DVD release of HEIMAT by Facets is expected in August. Their website says 'details coming soon'.
Artificial Eye, the distributor of Heimat 3 in the UK has webpages with information on Heimat 3 on their website: Director, Credits, Cast, Press Quotes and a big collection with Images from Heimat 3. You can also download a PDF with a presskit that contains roughly the same kind of information as this website does for Heimat 1 and 2: cast, plots by episode, actors, director, etc. (in 1996 this Heimat 1-2-3 website was initially based on a copy of an old press kit). On that site there is also a list with links to features on Heimat 3 in The Guardian, The Times and The Independent, and reviews by the BBC, Empire and Channel Four.
The Dutch/French Heimat 3 DVD release from Lumiere in Belgium will be on 29 June 2005. Available in any DVD-shop (online and offline) in the Benelux and probably also in France (at least the FNAC). 680 Minutes on 6 DVDs with Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS sound.
Just in time for the discussion on our Heimat123 mailinglist.13-05-05
Today the BBC has published their Heimat website with an episode guide to all three Heimat series and the broadcast schedule for this summer. You can also listen to an interview with Edgar Reitz and you are invited to leave your comments there, much like one of the oldest pages of this website from 1996, the 'reactions from around the world.'
BBC 4 will broadcast all three Heimat series in weekly episodes on Fridays and Sundays beginning on 27 May. This might still change, so it is wise to subscribe to their newsletter, keep an eye on this page or join the heimat123 mailinglist. To enrichen your viewing experience it is highly recommended to read the introductions by Ivan Mansley to each Heimat and Heimat 2 episode before it is broadcast and the discussions we have had on the heimat123 mailinglist after viewing each episode. You can download it as the Heim@t book or the Heim@t 2 book. If you feel like contributing your view, please join us on the heimat123 mailinglist.
Ivan Mansley will also send introductions prior to each of the six Heimat 3 episodes and we will discuss the episodes on the mailinglist after each broadcast, just like we did with Heimat and Heimat 2. The schedule might be changed, but is likely to be from Friday 27 May until Saturday 27 August 2005.
Heimat and Heimat 2 are available for rent in the UK through Blockbusters UK and Lovefilm.
Both interviews Reitz gave (in German!) when he was in Amsterdam on the occassion of the Dutch premiere of Heimat 3 are now online as MP3 files.
The one on Sunday evening the 14th November 2004 took place immediately after the showing of Heimat 3 in Filmmuseum Cinerama. Reitz is interviewed by author Geert Mak and director Pieter Verhoeff in 55 minutes 50 seconds (51,1Mb).
On Tuesday afternoon the 16th of November tv-critic Hans Beerekamp interviewed Reitz in a closed setting in the Goethe Institute, with a professional audience, part of a series of talks on fiction made for television. The audio starts after the showing of the first scenes of Heimat 3 and is 1 hour, 36 minutes and 38 seconds (66,6Mb) long.
Request: if you would like to help transcribe (parts), please write to the webmaster of this website, ReindeR Rustema. These transcriptions will be made available on this website. With these transcriptions a translation into English can be made. If you would like to volunteer for that, please contact the webmaster also.
Heimat 3 will be shown in London in the Renoir theatre from 6th May to 2nd June. See their leaflet and the text in the leaflet. Programme Times for Weeks 1, 2, 3 and 4:
Note: There will be a 15-20 mins break between each Part, except on weekends between Parts 2 & 3 and 5 & 6 when there will be a "supper" interval of 1 hour between each Part.
FRI Part 1 2.15 pm, 6.35pm MON Part 5 2.15pm, 6.35pm Part 2 4.35pm, 8.55pm Part 6 4.20pm, 8.40pm SAT Part 1 2.30pm TUES Part 1 2.15pm, 6.35pm Part 2 4.50pm Part 2 4.35pm, 8.55pm Part 3 7.30pm WED Part 3 1.15pm, 6.15pm SUN Part 4 2.30pm Part 4 3.40pm, 8.40pm Part 5 5.00pm THURS Part 5 2.15pm, 6.35pm Part 6 7.45pm Part 6 4.20pm, 8.40pm 31-03-05
In Dutch DVD-shop 'DVD-Valley' the Heimat 2 DVD-box reached a number one position in a top 10 of best selling DVD boxes. At the same time it reached the third place in the DVD-sales top 10 (after La Meglio Gioventu), see this 164Kb JPEG screenshot.
VPRO, the organisation that broadcast all the Heimats in the Netherlands also sells 1 and 2 in their shop. The Lumiere release of Heimat 1 for 69 euro and Heimat 2 for 79 euro in April.
The Goethe Institute in London will organise a screening of Heimat 3 in the weekend of 15-17 April 2005, with a Q & A session with Edgar Reitz at the end. Could someone going there arrange a recording/transcription of the Q&A session to publish on this website? if you can.
In France Heimat is also for sale at the FNAC 'cultural super store'. The introductory price of the Heimat DVD is 60 euro today.
Lumière in Belgium has set the release date for die Zweite Heimat on DVD in the Benelux countries on 29 March, 2005. The release will be a box with 7 discs with Dutch and French subtitling (like their Heimat release).
The e-mail discussion on Die Zweite Heimat is now also available as PDF-download from this website, just like the Heimat discussion. All introductions by Ivan Mansley per episode are also available on seperate pages to enrichen your viewing of Heimat or Die Zweite Heimat. You can also download the discussion per episode as PDF to accompany Heimat (2) on DVD. Heimat 3 is not yet discussed in English, butin German it is discussed when it was broadcast in December. You can read the introductions to Heimat 3 in German as a PDF on Thomas H&oumml;nemann's website.
Tartan video in the UK has set the release date for die Zweite Heimat on DVD on May 23, 2005. It will be released as HEIMAT 2: CHRONICAL OF A GENERATION in a deluxe box as shown below. The look differs from the one for the HEIMAT-box (picture of contents) to make it more representative for the era. Where the HEIMAT-box was leather-bound to make it look aged, this box and the artwork will be more 'modern' to reflect the 1960s better. The box will include 7 DVDs to retail at 99,99 pounds (145 euros, 191 USD). The Tartan catalogue number is TVD3567. The discs will all be DVD9 and Tartan will maximise the bitrate as much as possible. Remember that these DVDs will not play in the US without some extra technical effort, after all they are supposed to be sold only in the UK.
DVD-Times in the UK writes that the first batch of 5000 copies of the Heimat release in October last year sold out a month after release.
Heimat 1 will be for rent in videostores in the Benelux that are part of the 'betere videotheek' network. In the February edition of their magazine 'Cinefeel' the cover shows Maria from Heimat. They also have posters with this same picture in each videostore. On the centerfold pages there is a review by Ben van Alboom.
The Dutch news website published a favourable review of the DVD-release of Heimat.
Due to a migration from one internet hosting service provider to another the domain and have been down the past week. is working again, but not yet. is a temporary alternative.
The mailinglists heimat123, heimat123-de and heimat123-nl were also down. After migration the old mailinglist software became extremely unreliable and I chose to put all the time of me and my provider in migrating to new mailinglist software right away. It is now working and can be accessed through, or
Dutch webshops list the Lumiere DVD release (through Video Express) as a 6 DVD set for about 70 euros. This is 14 euro cheaper and one disk more than the German Kinowelt release at And you get Dutch subtitles with this release. At Lapis it is listed for 66,60, at DVD Outlet for 67,50, at Informatique for 68,40, at 12 buy DVD for 70,20, at Winkelwijs for 72, at CeeDeeVeeDee for 74, at for 75. At there is also a (Dutch) discussion about the release.
The website of distributor Lumiere in Belgium says that Heimat will be released 15 December this year, die Zweite Heimat in March 2005 and Heimat 3 in June 2005.
Reitz received today the 'Master of Cinema' lifetime achievement award from the International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg together with Wim Wenders.
First report today of someone who has received the Tartan DVD boxset of Heimat. Ordered in September at for £ 69, received today.
The out of print book "Heimat. Eine Chronik in Bildern" is for sale at this bookshop in the Netherlands. 50 euros or 65 dollar is asked.
Dutch film critic Hans Beerekamp will interview Reitz in Amsterdam about drama series made for television. This interview will be organised by the Dutch Cultural Broadcasting Promotion Fund together with the Goethe Institute in Amsterdam on Tuesday 16 November. In Dutch, see this invitation. Beerekamp has been a film critic for 4 decades and is a television critic since one year. The issue of the afternoon will be the importance of high quality fiction on television.
Today also an article in the Dutch newspaper Trouw by Jann Ruyters on the Heimat-series. Last Thursday an article in Algemeen Dagblad.
A full page 2300-words review of Heimat 3 with summaries of the previous Heimat-series in NRC Handelsblad, Cultureel Supplement by Dirk Limburg. (paid subscription required)
The article says that Dutch broadcaster VPRO will broadcast Heimat 3 daily starting 26th of December (but not on January 1st).
Reviews of Heimat 3 in the Netherlands in:
- De Filmkrant (PDF)
- Vrij Nederland
The Tartan Video DVD release of Heimat was reviewed in:
- Saturday Review on BBC4 (October 23) The fragment starts at 17'20" and ends at 25'50 in Real Audio from the BBC-site.
- The Sunday Times, October 24, 2004, Film: DVDs and videos - Helen Hawkins (registration required)
- The Times, October 23, 2004, Out to buy: On DVD - Nigel Kendall (registration required)
- The Times - New DVDs, October 21, 2004 - Geoff Brown (registration required)
The Tartan video release is widely available in all kinds of webshops: Moviemail, (known for unproblematic international shipment), Sendit,, Play and probably many others.
Updated schedule of schowings of Heimat in the Benelux. Also in Brussels. As textfile and as spreadsheet.
BBC 4 will broadcast Heimat 3. This afternoon a spokesperson of BBC4 wrote:
I am very confident we will still be broadcasting Heimat 3.No more details are known so far.8-10-04
BBC4 is negiotiating in order to get Heimat 3 on television in the UK in 2005. Quoting the BBC4 spokesperson: "Fingers crossed H3 should be hitting your screen in May '05." When there is more news about this you can read it here.
Heimat 3 will also be shown in Groningen (in the north of the Netherlands, 30 minutes from the border with Germany) in the weekend of 20+21 November 2004 in cinema Images.
The conversation with Reitz in Filmmuseum Cinerama in Amsterdam on the 14th of November at 21:15 will be with writer Geert Mak and director Pieter Verhoeff. Vocalist/actress/cellist and Reitz' partner Salome Kammer will be present also. The showing of Heimat and die Zweite Heimat as mentioned earlier is now confirmed.
The second filmfestival (after Venice) where Heimat 3 will be shown is the Filmfestival in Gent, Belgium. Saturday and Sunday Heimat 3 is shown in Kinepolis 8. Heimat 3 is a 'festival preview' and is not part of the competition.
There is a German protest initiated by Dirk Schneider against the shortened broadcast of Heimat 3 on German television. You can show your support at
Those who understand German or Dutch can watch this interview by art-magazine RAM for VPRO television with Edgar Reitz on the set for Heimat 3 in Amsterdam in December 2002. It requires a Real player and a broadband connection. The broadcast is one and a half hours, but the interview with Reitz is only about 10 minutes. The RealVideo fragment starts at 38:51 and ends at 49:27, subtitled in Dutch.
More details are known about the theatrical showings in Germany and the Netherlands. See the page Kinotermine on the site of Thomas Hönemann for the German showings. The Dutch showings will be in Filmmuseum Cinerama Amsterdam (die Heimat on 35mm, English subtitled, die Zweite Heimat from professional video, Heimat 3 on 35mm both with Dutch subtitles), in Lux Nijmegen, Filmhuis Arnhem, Filmhuis Den Haag, Lumiere Maastricht and Plaza Futura Eindhoven. See this textfile for details. Keep in mind that the showing of Heimat and Zweite Heimat is not yet confirmed!
Preceding the broadcast of Heimat 3 on German television ARD there will be a broadcast of a portrait of Edgar Reitz. Lothar Spree made this production, which will also be a 'making off' Heimat 3. See also the section of Lothar Spree's website 'in production'. The broadcast is scheduled for 11 December 2004.
Yesterday Heimat 3 premiered in the Prinsregententheater in Munich. This is a picture of Reitz' team on stage receiving a standing ovation. Also see the pictures Thomas Hönemann took of this event.
Today the fourth DVD-newsletter was distributed to nearly 1100 e-mail addresses. In the newsletter is detailed news about the upcoming (PAL/Region 2) DVD-releases by Tartan Video (UK), KinoWelt (Germany), Lumière (Benelux) and (NTSC/Region 1) Facets Video (North America). The newsletter is written in English and German.
I do NOT sell DVDs, if you want to buy the DVD, ask your local shop or turn to the known retailers on the web like Play or Amazon.
Heimat 3 will most likely also be shown at the Filmfestival in Gent, Belgium, with Edgar Reitz present.
As mentioned earlier, the broadcast by ARD of Heimat 3 is shorter than the DVD or cinema version. This is a breakdown of the different versions in minutes:
35mm - 24 frames per second (cinema/DVD) TV - 25 frames per second (TV) TV - the short version (ARD broadcast) # 1 Das glücklichste Volk der Welt (1989) 109 105 89'59 # 2 Die Weltmeister (1990) 100 96 88'53 # 3 Die Russen kommen (1992-1993) 125 120 91'55 # 4 Allen geht's gut (1995) 132 127 91'54 # 5 Die Erben (1997) 105 101 91'01 # 6 Abschied von Schabbach (1999-2000) 108 104 88'53 total 679 653 542'35 13-9-04
Like in Germany, Heimat 3 will be shown in theatres in the Netherlands on 35 mm (with Dutch subtitles). The copies will tour the country, starting with a showing in the week of 11-17 November in Amsterdam Filmmuseum Cinerama with this schedule:
Following the last marathon showing around 21:30 on 14 November there will be a talk with Edgar Reitz!
- Thursday and Monday part 1 & 2 (in Calypso 1) 19:30
- Friday and Tuesday part 3 & 4 (in Calypso 1) 19:30
- Saturday and Wednesday part 5 & 6 (in Calypso 1) 19:30
- Saturday parts 1-3 (in Cinerama 1) 16:30, 20:00
- Sunday parts 4-6 (in Calypso 1) 14:00, 16:30, 19:30
After a short tour in a few other cities it will return in Amsterdam in the week of 16-22 December, with the same schedule, just before it is shown on television.
Everthing is organised in collaboration with the Goethe Institute and the broadcaster of Heimat 3 in the Netherlands, the VPRO.
The new website mentions in the links section that Kinowelt will release all three Heimat series on German DVDs on December 2. On the new Kinowelt website there is an entry for the German Heimat 3 DVD.
Bella Musica will release the music of all three Heimat series on CD. The music will most likely not be available on the DVDs releases, except as integrated soundtrack in the film. Bella Music released the music of Heimat and die Zweite Heimat in 1993. On their website you can listen to the first 30 seconds of most songs using the Real audioformat.
There will also be a DVD release of die Heimat, die Zweite Heimat and Heimat 3 for the Benelux countries. Today I received an e-mail from Lumiere in Belgium saying they have the rights for the Benelux. No release dates known yet, but expect this release with Dutch subtitles late this year or somewhere in spring. Region 2, no English subtitles. Possibly with French subtitles. They have the ambition to bring extra's on the DVD, like they did with their release of La Meglio Gioventu, but nothing is sure at this stage.
The BBC is NOT going to broadcast Heimat 3. The BBC wrote in an e-mail to Neil Bradley:
"There are no plans to show the third part of Edgar Reitz' trilogy on BBC TWO, and this position is unlikely to change."In April the BBC wrote to Neil:"The BBC will be bidding for Heimat 3, but no decisions have been taken yet...."It is unclear what 'bidding for Heimat 3' means. It is unclear if other British broadcasters bought the broadcasting rights of Heimat 3 for the UK. At the moment broadcasting of Heimat 3 is only confirmed for Germany and the Netherlands.30-8-04
It is possible to buy tickets for the German premiere of Heimat 3 in Munich on 18 and 19 September through me, ReindeR Rustema, with a discount. It is 40 euros instead of 60. You transfer the money to Germany yourself and let me know your name to get the discount. Write me for the details. You can pick the ticket up at the theatre that Saturday. It is difficult to find a place to stay in Munich because of the Bierfesten! No hotels in Munich under 180 euros available.
Dutch broadcaster VPRO is planning to start the broadcast of Heimat 3 on Tuesday 28 December 2004. Every Tuesday evening on the third national channel in the Netherlands. Dutch television is also available on the ASTRA satellite, but it requires a subscription only available for Dutch residents.
Interview with Reitz in The Daily Telegraph.
German broadcaster ARD asked Edgar Reitz to shorten the completed 11.5 hours of Heimat 3 by 2.5 hours just so the 'daily-themes' news show can begin on time. This will have a considerable effect on story lines and characters. Some have to disappear. The DVD and the theatrical showings will probably remain the director's preferred cut. What broadcasters outside of Germany will do and wether repeats will be in the long or short version is unknown. (source: a letter from Eva-Maria Schneider, the actress who played Marie-Goot, to Thomas Hönemann)
Facets video has the intention of releasing Heimat on DVD in a Region 1 version. Subscribe to the DVD-newsletter to read more about it when it gets public.
The Rhein-Hunsrück Zeitung writes this morning that the local Pro-Winzkino is looking forward to their showing of Heimat 3, they have received the posters for it (similar to the material mentioned on 23 June).
The world premiere of Heimat 3 will be held at the Film Festival in Venice (1-11 September) as a 'Special Event'. Expect the first critical reviews appearing in newspapers, magazines and on the web in September. Please e-mail a link or scan if you read one.
The German premiere will be in the Prinsregententheater in Munich on 18 and 19 September. Tickets (60 euro) will be for sale from 16 September, through Munich Tickets. Expect news coverage of that event on this page.
ARD announced the broadcasting schedule for Heimat 3 in Germany:
ARD (Das Erste, Erstes Deutsches Fernsehen) can be received in Middle-Europe on Astra (19,2° East), Frequency is 11,4937 GHz or 1744 MHz (for details see this PDF).
- Das glücklichtste Volk der Welt (1989), Wednesday 15 December 2004, 20:15
- Die Weltmeister (1990), Friday 17 December 2004, 20:15
- Die Russen kommen (1992/3), Monday 20 December 2004, 20:15
- Allen gehts gut (1995), Wednesday 22 December 2004, 20:15
- Follow me (1997), Monday 27 December 2004, 20:15
- Das Wunder von Schabbach (1999/2000), Wednesday 29 December 2004, 20:15
No news yet on the broadcasting of Heimat 3 by the BBC (the BBC is free to air on the ASTRA satellite in most of Europe). Heimat 3 will be broadcast by VPRO terrestrial television in the Netherlands, but the dates will be announced later. If you have news from other broadcasters elsewhere in Europe or the world, please e-mail it.
Tartan video decided to release Heimat one month later. Other releases were more time-sensitive than this one. The Reitz audience is loyal and appreciates the best quality, so the extra time will be used to achieve optimum results both in regard to packaging (a replica hard cover book binding) and DVD production. Hence the release will be the 27th of September.
Expect the DVD-newsletter about both the Tartan and the Kino-Welt release in a few weeks time when all the details about the latter are known. Subscribe to the newsletter if you are not subscribed already.
Die Heimat is mentioned in the New York Times' list with The Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made. A review of Die Zweite Heimat can be found on the NYT website, but it is not in the top 1,000 list. You can give it a rating yourself though.
The photobook 'Edgar Reitz - Die Heimat Trilogie' that will be published in October takes a prominent place in the Rolf Heyne catalog. One page with a description of the book, a picture of the book and of Reitz himself (776Kb, 1173x1626 pixels). A big picture of the book with subtitle (352Kb, 1191x1581 pixels) saying "448 pages, full colour, 24.5 x 34 cm, bound in silk linen, ISBN 3-89910-240-1 € 128 in Germany." and on the first half of a spread page a collage with sample pictures with information like "Heimat 3 will premier internationally at the Filmfestival in Venice this year." and "in Germany the film will premier in operas and theatres, very unusual for a film" or "German ARD will broadcast from 22nd December at 20:15 over the Christmas period, while Heimat 1 and Die Zweite Heimat will be repeated on the third channel" and "Kinowelt will release Heimat 3 in cinemas throughout the country at the same time, first time ever for a made for television film." (824Kb, 1254x1590 pixels) and a list of awards and good reviews the Heimat series has received on the other half of that spread (672Kb, 1254x1606 pixels)
Reitz' book on the Heimat trilogy can be pre-ordered at the German Amazon website. It will be a book in German with many pictures from the Heimat-series selected and commented by Edgar Reitz. Published in the Rolf Heyne collection and expected in October this year with ISBN 3899102401
The Rhein-Hunsrück Zeitung writes about the Heimat 3 premiere in the Pro-Winzkino in Simmern on the 25th and 26th September and the following week. See this JPEG scan of the newspaper article in German, 1414x1829 pixels and 532Kb.
Tartan Video (no HTML website, only in Flash) will release Heimat on DVD in August, on at least 5 discs for about £100 (that is roughly €145) for the UK market. Together with the DVD you can expect a detailed booklet with notes by British filmcritic David Parkinson. You can order through You can read more details about both the Kino-Welt and Tartan Video DVD release and differences between the two in the fourth DVD Newsletter somewhere in May. Subscribe to the newsletter by filling in the DVD survey.
the Tartan 'Heimat - a chronicle of Germany' DVD sleeve30-4-04
Pro Winz Kino in Simmern (Hunsrück) will premiere the 6 parts of Heimat 3 in their theatre starting Saturday 25 September, 27 September, Friday 1 October or Monday 4 October. The marathon viewing will cost € 60. See their website for the schedule. This is only of interest if you master the German language, because there are no subtitles. You can already reserve tickets, call +49 6761 7748
Heimat 3 will be the first of the Heimat trilogy to be released on DVD, eventually die Heimat and die zweite Heimat will follow in 2005 or later. This is in short what Edgar Reitz wrote in an e-mail to Thomas Hönemann today. The producers, KINO-WELT from Leipzig, are of the opinion that first the third Heimat should be released because most people have access to the VHS videos. Reitz disagrees with this reasoning and suggests that we continue the petition/survey on this website for the DVD release to convince them. More about this in the fourth edition of the Heimat-DVD newsletter.
Below you can see Ivan Mansley raising a glass of Riesling with his wife Pamela on his birthday with the book he received as a present from the members of the Heimat123-mailinglist who are grateful for his writings.
The photographs are taken by Tracey Clarke of EnfieldIvan wrote to the mailinglist on his birthday: "I am extremely flattered and honoured to have received my wonderful birthday present, a photobook on the making of Heimat. I am very, very touched that a number of you contributed to this lovely gift for a person you have never met and only know through his writings. It is difficult to express how much I have been moved by this and I take this opportunity on the public forum to express my heartfelt thanks to you all."
Today Ivan Mansley received a present for his 66th birthday from the members of the Heimat-discussionlist. Mansley, retired English teacher living near London, writes an introduction to a Heimat episode every other Friday. He sends the introduction to the Heimat123-mailinglist with 166 members, to evoke discussion and enrichen the experience of viewing it (again) together. On the picture you can see list/webmaster ReindeR Rustema on his way to the postoffice with the present and the birtday cards from listmembers. The book is a rare collector's item, with pictures from the Die Heimat series, which can occassionally be found for sale on-line.
The picture is taken by Simon Claessen a friend (and cameraman) and arranged by his wife in their house.13-2-04
It is definitive, there will be a DVD release of Die Heimat end of 2004! More details will follow here as soon as they are known. Meanwhile you can subscribe to the DVD e-mail newsletter by signing the petition for the DVD release. In the next newsletter there will be as much detail about it as possible. The newsletter will appear when there are 900 or 1000 responses, probably in one or two months time (currently 840). E-mail me your questions regarding the DVD release you would like to have answered in the newsletter and I will try to get an answer to it and share it with all of us in the newsletter and on this website.
Edgar Reitz Filmproduction is looking for somebody from Munich or surroundings who can help with sorting, digitising and processing of photos. This is the original message:
Die Edgar Reitz Filmproduktion GmbH in München sucht jemanden aus dem Münchener Raum, der sich mit den "Heimaten" auskennt. Gesucht wird Jemand, der bei der Sortierung, Digitalisierung und elektronischen Verarbeitung von Fotos zu den Heimatfilmen helfen möchte.
Für mehr Informationen bitte direkt an die ERF wenden:
Edgar Reitz Filmproduktion GmbH
Julia Blaschke
Agnesstr. 14
80798 München
Tel. 089 27 37 02 10
Fax 089 27 37 02 29
jb erfilm de
The company that build the Günderrode house that plays a central role in Heimat 3 is called Arsligni. They brought in an existing house from the Hunsrück in pieces and assembled it as a ruin first and then it was restored as part of the film plot!
On you can see a Flash animation. It is not an HTML site, so it's like watching a slideshow, you can't race through it. Take your time. On the frontpage you get a pop-up with the story of the house, the house as ruin, the house as a place where the characters live and the house as a film set.
On the company website with their products and prices you can also see the house in another way in their news section.
The third DVD newsletter was sent today to the 700 respondents to the DVD-survey and the first collective viewing of Die Heimat started, introduced by Ivan Mansley in an e-mail.
Schedule for viewing and discussing Die Heimat and Die Zweite Heimat online as well as a press release to send to film journalists around the world.16-05-03
The second DVD newsletter was sent today to the 501 respondents to the DVD-survey.
Raymond wrote on the mailinglist today:
although Thomas Hönemann has placed a link to this site on his Heimat pages, I'd like to point you to This page covers pictures and small video clips from Heimat 3 locations and of the shootings in the Mittelrhein area.The link can also be found at Stefan Ries' www.heimat-fanpage.de07-04-03
On the mailinglist today:Dear friend of HEIMAT and DZH, I received a mail from Edgar Reitz yesterday wich provides some really good news conerning the HEIMAT DVD-Edition. The following lines are my attempt of a translation of what he wrote, please excuse my poor school english: "Last week there was a recording-test at ARRI Film Company in Munich concerning the Heimat DVD-Edition. They decided to use the original 35mm original-negative and to digitalise it in the high-resolution HD-format. So we will get the highest quality digital source material wich can be projected on very large cinema screens with modern beamers. Even the sound will be rearranged, so that the music and some atmospheares will be in stereo quality. All this is a preparation for the digital cinema-operating system wich will be the standard in the future as experts say. The tests were very impressing. The technicians said that the DVDs based on the HD-material will be better than everything known until now. You see: there is some movement in it! I hope to be able to provide the DVD of Heimat in December 2004 when Heimat 3 will be broadcast. The DVDs of DZH und Heimat 3 will follow later. (I just can't believe all that, because that method is very expensive!)" Kindest regards, Thomas Hönemann http://www.heimat123.de09-02-03
Thomas Höneman, the webmaster of this German Heimatsite, wrote me today that Edgar Reitz told him it would help if the fans who are interested in a DVD release show this and send their data. This will convince the producers/financers of the DVD. Since 1997 I have a survey on this website on who would like to see which features on the DVD. Please send one to me if you want a DVD. I process all the data and copy-paste it in one big spreadsheet and this will go to the DVD producers. I also post summaries of the gathered data on this website and in a DVD-newsletter you will receive twice a year. Your privacy will be respected, only me and the Edgar Reitz Filmproduction will get to see your name and address, no other parties.
Wolfgang sent me three pictures of the Günderodehaus, the house Hermann and Clarissa will fix up in Heimat 3. Compare the pictures with the picture he made in April. The first picture shows it up close, one from down in the valley up the hill. Wolfgang made a blue arrow on the picture, pointing at the house on the hill. And one from the house looking down on the river. Nice one. We really should organise a visit to the set one day. Today I also received an e-mail from Stefan Gies from the Heimat fanpage. He is in close contact with ER Filmproduction and he wrote me that filming for Heimat 3 is done for the moment. It will continue again in March.
Joel wrote me today:
"Saturday while washing my car at our local VW dealer, I spotted a strange vehicle parked nearby. Upon closer inspection I spotted something on the doors very interesting. Take a look. The dealer confirmed that the vehicle was from the Reitz production company."
Today the first DVD newsletter went out to the 300 people who have responded to the survey about what would be nice to have on a (zweite) Heimat DVD release.4-11-02
On the mailinglist Thomas Hönemann wrote a nice introduction to his website with beautiful pictures of the locations where die Heimat was shot. Please take a look at where you can also find links to other sites. Something this site does not have (yet) for historic reasons (being the first). Although Thomas' site is in German you can still enjoy it if you do not master the Deutsche Sprache. If you can read German, then also go to the descriptions of the episodes of Die Heimat and Die Zweite Heimat Also complementary to this site is the bibliography After your visit, you can leave a message in a guestbook.22-6-02
On the mailinglist Thobias pointed us to a dissertation written in 2000 (published in 2001) by Michael Kaiser for the university of Osnabrück. "Filmische Geschichts-Chroniken im Neuen Deutschen Film: Die Heimat-Reihen von Edgar Reitz und ihre Bedeutung für das deutsche Fernsehen" which could be translated as something like: Historical chronicles in the New German Film: The Heimat series (pl.) by Edgar Reitz and their importance for German television". Although it is completely in German, it might still be interesting for those who do not master the language for the filmography and the references. It is 440 pages long and 1400K big and also for outsiders easy to read. It can be found at or somewhere at, the electronic library of the University of Osnabrück.28-4-02
Wolfgang Floitgraf wrote the following on the mailinglist:
The attached jpg is a picture of the Günderodehaus set for Heimat 3. Hermann and Clarissa will find this house in the delapidated condition and decide to fix it up.
This set was built with a special building permission that is good for three years. What happens with it after the filming of Heimat 3 is complete, is yet to be determined. It could become a tourist attraction.
German television and German press agency DPA brought the news that today shooting has started for Heimat 3. It will probably be broadcast with Christmas 2004. The budget is 7 million euro. The television fragment can probably be found on the ARD website (not yet confirmed).,2044,OID648272,00.html
Raymond also found this interview with Reitz about production difficulties
Today I have send out the first message to the Heimat-DVD mailinglist. It is a mailinglist only for those interested in a DVD release. Twice a year I send a message with news.
We noticed that the new website is up since today. It offers a wealth of information, answers to questions that many of us are having for a long time. It also brings all the information that this site pretends to offer but can not do very well because it is volunteer work. Without direct access to the producers it is also more labour intensive. There is no news on the DVD release though. The existence of this site makes parts of this site irrelevant, leaving the fan-site, news and discussion aspect. Which is a good thing.
The website is therefore quite static, it is unlikely to change after you have visited it, unlike this one. It is one long, very interesting story to read with a bookchapters-index like navigation in hypertext. I will make that whole website available for download here shortly, so you can read/print everything on your computer without being connected to the internet. Or ask them to make it available as PDF.
As of today there are also discussions possible in other languages than just English. You can subscribe to a German discussion, Dutch, Italian and French. The idea behind this is that everyone prefers to express themselve in their native tongue instead of trying hard in English if that is not your first language. The bilangual members of the discussion can then bring discussion topics from one list to another. Like this all lists will benefit from this. The new lists because they did not even exist before and the international English list will get new extra input that was not possible before. Read the instructions on how to subscribe on the page about the mailinglist.
Raymond Scholz wrote to the mailinglist on the 6th of August that the German press brought the news that Heimat 3 will be made: The SWR Pressedienst writes that this is made possible thanks to ADR, SWR, MDR, the region (or "Land") Rheinland-Pfalz, BBC, the EU MEDIA II program and other European partners. To be broadcasted in Germany around Christmas 2004. And Netzeitung says that the budget is 25 million DM. ARD and SWR will partake for around 6 or 7 each, the rest is for the others. The website of Raymond is linked there also, a very good complement to this one (in German).
No news for some time now, so I called the production office. They are waiting for the very last decision from ARD, the German public broadcaster. The word will be out on 24 July. If all goes well the shooting will start February/March 2002.
In two weeks time the homepage will be ready for Heimat 3 he told me. You will find this at The previous page, is down and is unlikely to come back on-line. It is so difficult to get funding for it.
I also asked about the DVD release. The funding for it depends on a subsidy from the SFA, a distributor or something. News about this can also be expected in two weeks time. The rights for the translations in most languages are by now secured, except for the Italian translation but that will probably work out fine also.
To help convince the board of the SFA I am going to compile a list of e-mails that people over the past years have send to me in which they stated that they are interested in a DVD release. There is a questionaire on this site You can copy and paste it from there and send it to me.
Today I called Robert Busch at Edgar Reitz Filmproduction in Munich because there was a rumour going around on the mailinglist that there was something with the health of Edgar Reitz. This led to all kinds of wild speculations. Read what Reitz has to say about his health in an old interview elsewhere on this site. I quote: It relaxes me to tell such a long story. I know I will have years of rest. I don't have to show up, don't have to deal with critics and I don't have to listen to the opinion of others. I can concentrate for years in working out my thoughts. That's a happy business. In such a period you know why your on the earth. You know that life has a purpose and that you have a task. It's a big challenge because I know that all depends on me in that time. The story stands of falls with me. There are no influences from outside, if something fails I can't blame somebody else. That's a big challenge. In that way you have to ask the utmost from yourself. This changes your way of life. You have to ask yourself: if I drink to much tonight, won't I make a bad scene tomorrow? Or: if I smoke to many cigarettes, will I persevere physically? I quit smoking. I also ended that nightlife in the filmbusiness. I forced myself to sleep normally and sufficiently, and started to do some sports. I go everywhere by bicycle, then I'll be in shape to persevere this project.
So there is nothing wrong with Edgar Reitz' health. Somebody has invented this news perhaps. I now realise that I forgot to ask about the woman Reitz was seen jogging with in Munich. But let's be discrete. I had more important questions to ask.
The script is more or less finished, and should be completely at the end of this year, which means that in springtime production can start. Other good news is that the funding is for the large part also secured. Which is quite an achievement.
Apparently Edgar Reitz is (or was) undergoing numerous humiliations on the way realizing Heimat 2000. According to the following article in the German newspaper "SŸddeutsche Zeitung", the ARD is planning to straighten their program towards commercial success at the cost of cultural worths more than ever before. And Reitz' project is heavily touched by this directive.
Herbert Riehl-Heyse's article: and a translation in English by Shona Spence
Reactions by Klaus RŸter, State Secretary of Rhineland-Palatine and by Prof. Dr. Udo Reiter, Vice President of the ARD and a translation in English by Shona Spence
Reaction by Nico Hofmann, German Director (Der Sandmann) and a translation in English by Shona Spence
On tuesday, 20th, Edgar Reitz will show some parts of "Die Zweite Heimat" in Munich, Seidlvilla, Nikolaiplatz 1b. (phone 089/ 333 139), 20 h. The evening is about Schwabing in the film, there will be discussion with Reitz afterwards.
Reitz and Herzog will be guest professors in Gothenburg next autumn. The purpose is to join thoughts between some artistic educations. Film and music educations is some of them. Write to the university to prof. Ole LŸtzow-Holm for more informaton (he is the contact person).
" Heimat 2000 wird gedreht, das Ok vom Sender ist da
Heimat auf DVD ist derzeit fŸr 2003 geplant, wenn HEIMAT 2000 erscheint. Vielleicht geht es aber auch schneller."In English: Heimat 2000 will be made, the final go-ahead from the broadcasters is there.
Heimat on DVD is planned for 2003, together with the release of Heimat 2000. But perhaps it will go faster.
In Munich, Germany a fest will be organised in collaboration with the Bayerische Statsoper about the Heimat theme, starting 29 June. With a Die Zweite Heimat screening and live-performances by the actors that promises to be interesting. These will be between 9 and 18 July 1999.
For example: [Friday, 9th July 1999] @ 21.30 Live-Guest: Daniel Smith and his Tai-Ko Trommler. [Saturday, 10th July 1999] @ 21.00 Live-Guests: Gisela Müller: Gesangspuren and Michael Seyfried: Lenard Petit: "In deinen Spuren" (singers) [Sunday, 11th July 1999] @ 21.30 Live-Guest: ARMIN FUCHS, Piano:George Crumb: Makrokosmos [Friday, 16th July 1999] @ 22.00 Live-Guest HENRY ARNOLD: Robert Schneider: Dreck [Saturday, 17th July 1999] @ 22.00 Live-Guests Salome Kammer, Ensemble L'Art Pour Lâ'Art with works from Mathias Spahlinger, Helmut Oehring, Lois V Vierk, Bernhard Lang [Sunday 18th July 1999] @ 22.00 Actors from DZH will share their notes, which they personally exchanged with one another.
For more info visit their website. If you want to find others who are going there (or have been there, if you read this late) then subscribe to the mailinglist and ask.
News about Reitz' final part of the Heimat trilogy is in in Dutch. To summarise it briefly in English it says:"Rob Houwer will be Dutch Co-Producer for final part of trilogy about Germany""Edgar Reitz is going to make a new Heimat"
"Long awaited for, a new series of Heimat: seven episodes about the HunsrŸck after Die Wende".
The article opens with recalling Heimat and Die Zweite Heimat. Then, "This week Rob Houwer - in 1962 together with 24 other young German directors signatory of the Oberhauser Manifest - announced he will coproduce Heimat 2000: Chronik der nächsten Generation, seven movies each nearly one and a half hour. At this moment Reitz is finishing the scenario together with previously East German writer Thomas Brussig. The shooting will start this summer and the budget will amount 27 million mark (nearly 31 guilder/15m $). VPRO television will broadcast it, the Filmmuseum is interested in cinema distribution. To be released somewhere in the year 2000.
Part three will be more like part 1 than 2. The story starts on 9 november 1989 (the fall of the Berlin Wall) and december 31 1999. That evening Clarissa and Hermann accidentally meet and decide to build a 3rd Heimat in a deserted countryhouse at the Rhine river, facing the Lorelei. Workers from what used to be DDR help with the renovation, one of them starts to deal with Ernst (antiquedealer) in communist stuff. The Americans leave their basis from the Hunsrück to make room for Ossis and German refugees from the Sovjet Union. Again an intertwining of personal stories with the recent German history.The Heimat trilogy is the largest, most ambitious and consistent project in filmhistory and on top of that the most extraordinary collaboration between film and television so far. Even before the shooting starts we can already say the final piece can be considered as the biggest filmevent of the 21st century."
The DZH website is a joint effort by ReindeR Rustema, Alan Andres and many others since 1996. Back to the main page.